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Peterson Statement at Hearing to Evaluate Effectiveness and Outcomes in Nutrition Education

I believe this is the 15th hearing the Committee has held to review SNAP – it’s certainly been a thorough review. Hopefully what we learn today can be combined with the information from past hearings and we can focus on developing good policy.

Opening Statement by Agriculture Committee Ranking Member Collin C. Peterson
Past, Present and Future of SNAP: Evaluating Effectiveness and Outcomes in Nutrition Education

--As Prepared for Delivery--

“Thank you Mr. Chairman. I would also like to welcome today’s witnesses to the Committee. I look forward to hearing your testimony on SNAP education efforts.

“SNAP education and outreach is very important and I think there are a lot of lessons that can be learned from some of the efforts states have undertaken. Minnesota, for example, has a collaborative program called Choose Health that makes CSA shares available to low income households. I’m looking forward to learning more about other state programs.

“I believe this is the 15th hearing the Committee has held to review SNAP – it’s certainly been a thorough review. Hopefully what we learn today can be combined with the information from past hearings and we can focus on developing good policy.

“So, with that, I look to hearing from our witnesses and yield back.”


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