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Ranking Member

U.S. Representative Angie Craig (MN-02) is the granddaughter of an Arkansas farm foreman and today represents a Minnesota district covered in corn and soybeans each summer. She learned the value of hard work from her mother, a single mom who raised three kids while going to college to become a teacher at night. Relying on food assistance at times in her own family as a child, she knows firsthand how important good agricultural and nutrition policy is for farmers and all families.

Ranking Member Craig is committed to increasing investments in rural communities and uplifting the next generation of family farmers. During her tenure in the House of Representatives, she has fought to protect family farms and boost the agriculture economy in the United States. She will work with anybody – and take on the Washington establishment whenever necessary – to cut costs and support America’s family farmers, ranchers and producers.

Rep. Craig is the first woman to serve as Ranking Member of the House Agriculture Committee, which has been a standing committee for over 200 years. The Committee is empowered with legislative oversight relating to the U.S. agriculture industry, forestry, nutrition and rural development.

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