I think this is an important topic for the Committee to address because what is often lost during debates on our farm safety net is the fact that other countries also provide agriculture subsidies to producers. If we are going to compete in a global marketplace we need to be on a level playing field.
--As Prepared for Delivery--
“Thank you Chairman Conaway.
“I think this is an important topic for the Committee to address because what is often lost during debates on our farm safety net is the fact that other countries also provide agriculture subsidies to producers. If we are going to compete in a global marketplace we need to be on a level playing field.
“That being said, I am concerned that some of these so-called advanced developing countries have started to increase their subsidies and are arguing that we should push ahead with negotiations in the Doha round. I’m not sure it’s fair that developing countries, no matter how advanced, can designate themselves for special treatment.
“Based on the testimony of our witnesses, I think it is time for the United States to start challenging Brazil, China, India and others when they fail to meet their WTO commitments.
“I realize that the testimony covers a lot of ground, but to the extent possible I hope that our witnesses will be able to give us a little more guidance on specific subsidies that we should consider challenging and what our chances of winning such challenges might be.
“I hope our witnesses will be able to address some of these questions. I look forward to their testimony and I yield back.”