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Business Meetings

Business Meeting to Consider, H.R. 511, H.R. 940, H.R. 1002, H.R. 3175

Wednesday, July 29, 2009 | 12:00 AM Washington, DC

WASHINGTON – In a business meeting earlier today, the House Agriculture Committee approved four bills regarding conservation and forest lands for floor consideration. H.R. 511, H.R. 940, H.R. 1002, and H.R. 3175, were all approved by the Committee by voice vote and were ordered to be reported favorably to the House floor.

 – In a business meeting earlier today, the House Agriculture Committee approved four bills regarding conservation and forest lands for floor consideration. H.R. 511, H.R. 940, H.R. 1002, and H.R. 3175, were all approved by the Committee by voice vote and were ordered to be reported favorably to the House floor.

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