Agriculture research is vital to the industry’s future. The research done by our land grant universities and other institutions invests in the next crop of agricultural scientists and producers while ensuring that our farmers can be competitive and continue to meet the growing, worldwide demands for their products.
Opening Statement by Agriculture Committee Ranking Member Collin C. Peterson
The Next Farm Bill: University Research
--As Prepared for Delivery--
“Thank you Mr. Chairman.
“Agriculture research is vital to the industry’s future. The research done by our land grant universities and other institutions invests in the next crop of agricultural scientists and producers while ensuring that our farmers can be competitive and continue to meet the growing, worldwide demands for their products.
“This can’t be done, of course, without adequate funding for agriculture research programs. But I’m frankly not quite sure of the best way to go about that. What I do know is that we need to continue to support the mandatory research programs that were created in the 2008 Farm Bill. Overall, we still haven’t fully realized our ag research goals, so I’ll be looking to hear our witnesses’ thoughts on this today.
“I would like to see the next farm bill continue our commitment to ag research in a way that allows for continued advancement but also recognizes our budget challenges because ag research is the foundation of continued innovation in agriculture. Along with increased productivity, ag research has led to improvements in individual health and the environment, among other benefits.
“So, with that, I welcome today’s witnesses to the Committee. I look forward to their testimony. I thank the Chair and yield back.”