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Ranking Member David Scott Statement on Farm Bill CBO Score

  • David Scott

House Agriculture Committee Ranking Member David Scott today released the following statement after the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released the score of the Republicans’ partisan 2024 Farm Bill. CBO calculated that the Republican bill includes nearly $33 billion in deficit spending. 

“I want to thank the CBO analysts and staff for their hard work over the last two years. The CBO score is the latest evidence that Republicans have problems with their farm bill and will need Democrats to pass it. Only by working together can we make progress. Republicans must return to the negotiating table and work with Democrats to craft a truly bipartisan farm bill.

“Farmers need a farm bill this year and time is running out. It’s time to stop complaining about CBO. It’s time to stop blaming delays on appropriations. It’s time to stop waiting for the Senate. 

“The House does not work for the Senate and their failure to come together should not deter us in the House from moving forward together, Democrats and Republicans. The best way to encourage the Senate is for the House to pass a farm bill before the election. House Democrats are ready to help. 

“Republicans can choose to keep pushing a bill that has no future, or to work with Democrats to get a farm bill signed into law this year. That work must start now. Waiting till after the election to make the hard choices is not leadership. That decision would fuel our farmers’ frustration with Washington, and jeopardize our chances of success with a dwindling calendar. Farmers deserve better than that and Democrats stand ready to help deliver.”

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