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Ranking Member Angie Craig Statement on Brooke Rollins Confirmation as Agriculture Secretary

  • Ranking Member Angie Craig of Minnesota smiles in her official portrait.

Today, House Committee Ranking Member Angie Craig (D-MN-02) released the following statement regarding the Honorable Brooke Rollins’ Senate confirmation as the Secretary of Agriculture.

“I congratulate Secretary Rollins on her confirmation. Secretary Rollins begins her new role at a critical time for American agriculture. Family farmers are struggling with high input costs and low prices; tariffs are being proposed that will raise costs on American producers and American consumers; the agricultural workforce is being threatened; and Congress is behind schedule in passing a new, bipartisan farm bill. If we want to tackle these challenges in a way that supports family farmers and the communities they feed, we will need to work together. I look forward to building a strong working relationship with Secretary Rollins as ranking member of the House Agriculture Committee.”

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