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House Agriculture Subcommittee on Biotechnology, Horticulture, and Research Welcomes 4-H Youth Leaders

 Fifteen 4-H youth leaders from around the country visited with the House Agriculture Subcommittee on Biotechnology, Horticulture, and Research today, including Subcommittee Chairwoman Stacey Plaskett of the U.S. Virgin Islands

 (April 9, 2019) – Fifteen 4-H youth leaders from around the country visited with the House Agriculture Subcommittee on Biotechnology, Horticulture, and Research today, including Subcommittee Chairwoman Stacey Plaskett of the U.S. Virgin Islands and Ranking Member Neal Dunn of Florida; as well as Committee Chairman Collin Peterson of Minnesota, and Ranking Member Mike Conaway of Texas, as part of a roundtable on youth leadership in agriculture, 4-H and Extension services. The roundtable coincides with the National 4-H Conference, and it will be the 5th annual presentation to the Agriculture Committee.

“The task at hand for our food and farm economy in this country is a serious one: produce more while using less. These young men and women will help to lead that charge and I’m honored to hear from them today,” said Chairwoman Plaskett. “They will transform how we grow food and produce the products we buy, and their ideas will tackle the challenges that face communities of all sizes, all from the solid foundation that 4-H provides.”

“Today, we heard from some of the best young minds this nation has to offer,” added Ranking Member Dunn. “As this country’s largest youth organization, 4-H provides an opportunity for young people to hone technical skills while developing the confidence and leadership necessary to move the agricultural industry forward. I am proud of these students and am confident they will become proactive forces in their communities and beyond.”

“Whether it’s a farm community, a suburb, or an urban neighborhood, 4-H teaches kids valuable skills and resourcefulness they can apply broadly to the rest of their lives,” said Chairman Peterson. “I’m proud to have them join us, and I look forward to seeing the ways they contribute as they move into their careers.”

“4-H challenges rural and urban youth alike to develop and sustain the life skills needed to tackle the challenges that lie ahead for American agriculture,” said Ranking Member Conaway. “4-H is one of the best examples of the Cooperative Extension Service mission to translate land-grant university research into real-world applications. It was exciting for the Agriculture Committee to hear today’s presentation, and I encourage these students to continue to work hard as they grow into our next generation of leaders.”
A list of the youth leaders participating in the roundtable is available by clicking here.

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